Development of
Quality assurance program

Why is it necessary to develop a quality assurance program?

Safety is the most important principle in the production of equipment for nuclear facilities. Each manufacturer must demonstrate its commitment to this principle and confirm that the production is carried out under controlled conditions.

In order to unify approaches to quality management in the product life cycle, the Federal norms and Rules in the field of nuclear energy use NP-090-11 establish «Requirements for quality assurance programs for nuclear facilities».

The experts of TD-Group LLC develop quality assurance programs and provide support at the approval stages.

Development procedure

  1.  In cooperation with you, we plan the composition of the necessary works
  2. We analyze the composition of the quality management documentation
  3. We reflect all the necessary regulations in accordance with the requirements of federal norms and regulations, as well as industry standards
  4. We submit the program for approval
  5. We support you at the stages of approval and adjustment

The program shall provide data on the following areas of organization management:

  1. Quality Policy
  2. Organizational activities
  3. Human Resources Management
  4. Document management
  5. Control of design (construction)
  6. Management of purchases of equipment, components, materials, semi-finished products and software, as well as services provided.
  7. Production activities
  8. Metrological support
  9. Quality assurance of software tools and calculation methods
  10. Assurance of reliability
  11. Nonconformities management
  12. Audits


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or you need personal consultation?

Artem Mushkaterov

Technical Decision Group

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