Document preparation and support
of welding technology certification

What is the certification of welding technology?

Welding in the nuclear power industry is one of the leading metalworking processes.

The welding process is accompanied by a sharp thermal effect of the heat source on the base metal and undesirable in most cases metallurgical processes, for example, the occurrence of internal stresses in the parts.

Internal stresses can be so high that they cause significant deformations of the part and reduce its operability, which can affect the safety of equipment operation.

Certification of the technology is a guarantee of the implementation of the technological process at a high level and is mandatory for nuclear facilities.

Technical Decision Group will ensure timely certification of welding technology when delivering products to nuclear power plants. We will prepare a set of necessary documents and undertake interaction with representatives of the materials science organization


In Russia, according to the requirements of the order of the State Corporation «Rosatom» dated May 29, 2017 No. 1/468-P «On the determination of head material science organizations», certification of welding technology is carried out by head materials science organizations, for example, JSC «NIKIMT-Atomstroy», JSC «NPO «CNIITMASH» and others.

Manufacturers of equipment and pipelines of Nuclear power facilities that fall under the actions of the FRR Rule for design and safe operation (NP-089-15) must, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 50.04.03-20018, organize certification, because the use of technologies that have not passed certification tests to perform welded joints (surfaced coatings) is not allowed


Certification tests are carried out in five stages:

1)Consideration of the application for certification tests and the formation of the certification commission.

2)Development of the program and methodology of certification tests.

3)Preparation of samples and specimens for research.

4)Conducting research. Certification report drawing up, registration, and issue of the Certificate.


Do you have any further questions
or you need personal consultation?

Artem Mushkaterov

Technical Decision Group

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